The Charles County Public Library has a digital resource called Kids InfoBits. It is age appropriate for elementary school kids. Kids InfoBits is an easy-to-use educational database that allows kids to research safely. This database has a simple navigation process and there is a range of topics such as animals, sports, science, people, geography, and many more.
Step 1:
To get started go to the Charles County Public Library Web site and click on Research and Learn. Next select Research and Databases from the list. Take a look at all the great databases that are available to you with your Charles County Public Library card. Now scroll down to Kids InfoBits (Gale) and simply click the image or title link.
A fun way to use this resource would be to have your child pick a new subject to learn about everyday and discuss it at the dinner table. It definitely makes family dinners more interesting and discussion at the dinner table can help develop children’s language skills. Some kids focus on one area and want to expand their knowledge on that subject. So after they have learned all they can from Kids InfoBits, they can get an ebook from the library on their topic!