Is your child 8-11? Does he or she have a diagnosis of autism spectrum disorder?

Participation involves four sessions, ·each lasting up to 2 hours: two at our; lab at the University of Maryland, and two at tlile Maryland Neuroimaging Center.

During your visit to our lab, your child will play games and watch some videos. Games involve things like hearing stories about characters and determining what they would or should do next. During your visit to the MNC, your child will play games while lying inside an MRI scanner. You will be compensated monetarily for your time. After the MRI session, your child will also get a picture of his or her brain!

Your child may be eligible to participate in a study at the University of Maryland, College Park!

Children will watch movies, play games, and tell us what they think!

Compensation and prize for participation.

Weekday and weekend appointments available.

Free parking provided.

Educational, interesting and fun!