Souper Soups!
It is cold out, and it is the perfect time to sit by the fire, read, relax, and oh, of course, eat soup! Check out a few of the cookbooks in our collection that have some great soup recipes. [...]
It is cold out, and it is the perfect time to sit by the fire, read, relax, and oh, of course, eat soup! Check out a few of the cookbooks in our collection that have some great soup recipes. [...]
Hi, Friends! The winter season officially began on December 21st. We’ve put together a list of winter-themed picture books. Grab a cup of warm cocoa, relax, and read! Out Cold by Ryan T. Higgins "The [...]
Love is in the air with these teen titles! We’ve got more choices than a box of chocolate, and all just as sweet! So get cozy, and curl up with a soon-to-be favorite YA romance! *CCPL Staff picks are chosen by [...]
February 29 is coming up, and anyone who has a birthday on that day has been studying the calendar with joy, proudly seeing their day in full display to all. Although most of us know we get an extra day added to [...]
Looking for something new to read? See what some of your librarians are reading! These picks are just a few recent reads from our librarians that they enjoyed enough to share. Browse through & see if any pique your interest! *CCPL Staff [...]
Tween Comic Club is a place for comic lovers ages 9-14 to discuss what they are reading each month. Here is the latest list of the books we’ve been talking about and that our tween readers recommend! Follow the links to check [...]
Baldur's Gate 3, an RPG developed and published by Larian Studios, is one of the year’s most popular video games of the year. For many players, it’s their first adventure set in the Forgotten Realms, the fantasy setting used in many Dungeons [...]
Here are some of the top YA books of 2023 for the Charles County Public Library patrons! Note: This list does not include e-content, such as books and audiobooks checked out through Libby or reading list books. [...]
Tween Comic Club is a place for comic lovers ages 9-14 to discuss what they are reading each month. Here is the latest list of the books we’ve been talking about and that our tween readers recommend! Follow the links to check [...]
Save Money. Save money by borrowing or streaming content using your library card. Movies are available through Hoopla and Kanopy. Ask a Librarian. We love a good movie just as much as you, and we can [...]