CCPL is a great place to start your job search! We offer resources for discovering a new career path, gaining new job skills, creating a cover letter and resume, and finding job opportunities.

Employment Resource Center

Do you need an email account for applying for jobs?

Need practice in applying for jobs?

Have you recently re-entered the community and need help starting your job search? 

To be added to our Job Seekers outreach email list, please email westref[at]ccplonline[dot]org.

Job and Career Mobile Apps

Job and Career Search Engines

Other Useful Sites

  • JobScan: This site is designed to help you get past the ATS (Applicant Tracking System) or resume scanner. Copy & Paste your resume and a job description into the two boxes and you’ll get instant feedback telling you what to prioritize, what you might be missing, and what changes you can make to get past the resume screeners.
  • TagCrowd: Copy and paste job ads and descriptions into this word cloud site to see what terms are being used most frequently, you may want to include some of these terms into your resume!

Resume and Cover Letter Writing