Would you like to learn how to Crochet or Knit? 3 out of the 4 branches in Charles County offer opportunities to learn how! Please note you may need to bring your own supplies.

You will need:


Then, select one of the following:

Crochet hook

Crochet hook: size H or J, which is also known as 5mm or 6mm.


Knitting Needle: US size 7 or 8 – also known as 4.5mm and 5.0mm. The knitting needles can be circular, which have a string attaching the 2 knitting needles, or they can be straight. 


Knitting looms are also welcome.

Come learn the basic stitches to create gorgeous fabric!

Now for the where and when…

  • Happy Hour Crochet & Knitting: Mondays, 6-7:30 PM at the Potomac Branch and online. This is a hybrid event, so you can meet in person or online at the same time. Please note it is easier to learn in person. Register if attending online.

  • Jazzy Yarn: Thursdays, 6-7:30 PM at the PD Brown Branch

  • Have a Yarn Ball: 3rd Monday of the month, 6-7PM at the Waldorf West Branch.

You can check out these events (and more!) by visiting our Calendar of Events here.

Let’s get those hands busy and become a maker TODAY!