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Make Your Own Play-Doh

Step One: Mix all ingredients together except for the food coloring in a bowl. It will look lumpy at this stage but will smooth out during the cooking process.
Step Two: Use an adult for this part. Put the mixture in a pot on the stove, cook over a low heat, and stir continuously.
Step Three: When the dough along the edges and sides of the pot appears dry and the texture is not gooey to the touch, remove from the heat.
Step Four: Place the dough on a countertop, pan, or cutting board that can handle food coloring.
Step Five: Knead the warm dough until it is smooth and then divide the dough into how many colors you would like to make.
Step Six: Add the food coloring to the dough and knead it in. You may need to add more to get the color that you want.
Step Seven: Store in a sealed container or Ziploc. It will last for months this way if not used.
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