Want to read but in shorter doses? Try out the Washington Post Newspaper available in the Charles County Public Library Database!
You can get the daily news, politics, opinions, and also the comics, the crossword puzzle, and even Caroyln Hax’s advice.
Want to try? Go to the CCPL Web site.
Under the heading Read, Watch, Listen, select The Washington Post.
If you are inside a branch, select the Onsite access.
However, if you are located at home or not inside the library, then select Offsite Access. You will then be redirected to the WashingtonPost.com landing page with the following message “Your library has provided you with complimentary access to WashingtonPost.com for the next 7 days. To access the site, sign in or create a free Washington Post account:
Users should then register or log in with two steps by entering an email address and password.”
Then enjoy reading the newspaper! See what is interesting today!