Are you interested in learning more about Medicare, but overwhelmed with all of the information and don’t know where to start?
Come to one of our Medicare Program Series presented by our local State Health Insurance Assistance Program (SHIP). These programs will help demystify all parts of Medicare, review benefits programs and available resources, assist with self enrollment and much more.
Join CCPL for any of the upcoming Medicare programs:
ABC’s of Medicare:
The ABC’s of Medicare sessions will demystify all parts of Medicare, review the benefits of the program such as hospital insurance, medical insurance, advantage plans, prescription drug plans, financial assistance for low-income beneficiaries, billing issues, appeals, denials, grievances, medicare fraud and abuse, supplemental insurance, your rights, and more.
9/15 at 11 AM – ABC’s of Medicare @ P.D. Brown Library
9/26 at 6 PM – ABC’s of Medicare @ Virtual
Medicare Open Enrollment Training Workshops:
Medicare Open Enrollment Training Workshops will explain what Medicare Open Enrollment is, how to explore the plans better and understand what this time of the year means for your benefits. These training sessions will explore whether or not you should sign up for Medicare Open Enrollment, provide insight on whether you should Change your plan or not (and how to do so), and how to receive assistance with the cost of your medication.
10/6 at 11 AM – Medicare Open Enrollment Training @ Potomac Library
10/13 at 6 PM – Medicare Open Enrollment Training @ Waldorf West Library
10/18 at 6 PM – Medicare Open Enrollment Training @ Virtual
Medicare Open Enrollment Lab:
For a more hands on approach and one on one assistance with navigating or signing up for Medicare self enrollment, come to one of the following Medicare Open Enrollment Labs at a CCPL branch:
10/19 at 9 AM Medicare Open Enrollment Lab @ La Plata Library
10/26 at 9 AM Medicare Open Enrollment Lab @ Waldorf West Library
11/3 at 9 AM Medicare Open Enrollment Lab @ Potomac Library
11/10 at 9 AM – Medicare Open Enrollment Lab @ P.D. Brown Library
For questions, email programs [at] ccplonline [dot] org!