Did you know that September is Library Card Sign-Up Month? Your CCPL Library Card does more than just let you check out books. Check out this list of additional things you can use your library card for!

- Computer Access: You can use your library card to sign in to use one of our computers to check email, job search, type documents, etc.
- Digital Resources: Access one of our many databases offsite from the comfort of your own home. In most cases, all you need is your card number! So check out Novelist for the next book in the series you are reading or sign up for a class in Linked in with Lynda.com Content.
Access e-books and e-audio books, up to 10 a month.
Go ahead and stream your favorite tunes up to 3 hours a day and download up to 3 of your favorite songs a week (you get to keep any of the songs you downloaded).
Check out that new documentary you wanted to watch. Don’t worry…you now get up to 6 circulations a month for Kanopy.
Prefer to use an e-reader to access your favorite titles, don’t worry! You can check out up to 10 e-titles at a time on Libby!
You can still check out books, DVDs and audiobooks, hotspots, Chromebook bundles, camera equipment, etc. with your card. See the limits for the card types specified below.
- Full Service Cards/Under 18 Cards: Up to 75 items at one time.
- Kids Cards: Up to 15 items at one time.
- CCPS Virtual Cards: Up to 15 items (if you are a current CCPS student, all you need is CCPS + your lunch number to check out with us, how cool is that? You can type it in at any self-check station or recite it to a staff member.)
Sign up for your library card today! You can sign up online or come and visit us at any of our physical branches or mobile branch.