Celebrate NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month) with the Charles County Public Library this year by checking out some of our local authors, as part of our Local Author Virtual Showcase! All of the authors showcased in this series responded to a call for submissions we placed over this summer, to highlight their work throughout the month of November. At CCPL we value the contributions our local authors make in sharing their knowledge and passion with our community. Make sure to check out our Local Author’s collection located at the Waldorf West Library.

Penelope White
MEd-Monthly Educators’ Devotional
MEd-Monthly Educators’ Devotional-do you remember that teacher who encouraged, challenged, inspired you and changed your perspectives about learning? This book helps us honor, respect, and appreciate the tireless efforts of influential Educators around the world.
Monthly readings and practical expressions of daily school-specific gratitude for school personnel is timely and critical. Thanks TEACHERS!
Children and Prayer
Children and Prayer-an instructive book with emphasis on the importance, intentionality in the practice of prayer. Just as we rush to get our children/youth to music lessons, play dates, sports activities, birthday parties, swimming, golf, tennis lessons…let us focus on getting them to their loving Creator for a meaningful, lasting, foundational relationship.