I scream! You scream! We all scream for ICE CREAM! Create your own ice cream cone craft with any color you want. Sprinkles are a must…yummy! How is ice cream made? Scoop on over to Hoopla and read all about it. Learn how to make homemade ice cream in a bag with this neat science project on COSMOS! What mess is Pepe getting into? Find out here on Kanopy. Have fun exploring Creative Bug for more ideas.

Step 1: Using your pencil, create a triangle shape on the brown construction paper and a cloud-like shape on the white construction paper.

Step Two: Cut out the shapes. You may have to adjust the two and cut off the excess.

Step Three: Stack the multi-color paper together and create horizontal cuts. Now cut small pieces across to create your sprinkles.

Step Four: Place glue on the edges and some parts of the cone. Sprinkle on your sprinkles 🙂

We have an ice cream cone!