Hello, and welcome back to Gardening with Ms. Kate, where we talk about different ways to make your leafed friends happy. For March, we will be going over how to prep our plants as they come out of dormancy in “green” ways.
Plants go into a sort of hibernation to preserve their energy during the colder months called “Dormancy.” You might have noticed your plants doing this by losing leaves without an explanation, not growing as much as they did over the Summer, and changes in watering needs. Plants come out of dormancy during the Spring, but the changes are gradual, so what do plants need to grow efficiently after being dormant? Humidity, light, and food, especially as they get more light in the hours of the day. Is there a way that I can provide my plant with all three things while also being resourceful and thinking green? There are actually numerous ways to do so! Below, I have listed ways to show how you can be economical and environmentally friendly when taking care of your at-home jungle.
Unlike us, plants LOVE humidity because it gives them more moisture, which boosts their growth. If you live in a more arid or dry climate, there are a few options to give your plants some humidity by chargeable misters, or a greener way to give your plants some humidity would be to bring them into the shower with you. Even if it’s only a twenty-minute podcast episode while you get ready for the day, your plants will thank you greatly for adding them to your routine. If you live in a more humid area, you can also put your plants out on your porch from late April / early May through October. Below is a plant of mine that grew exponentially after this Summer season. Just mind any sun damage and infestations when doing this.
Like other organisms on this earth, we need to eat to survive. Plants need fuel for the growth they will go through, and here are some options to feed them in more “green ways.”
*Whenever “feeding” your plants, use caution, as plants can get “burnt” or be overwhelmed by an influx of vitamins. If your leaves start to yellow, hold off on feeding them for a while.*
Everyone needs hydration, especially your plants, but sometimes it can be draining to water your plants, especially on your water bill. Here are other options to rain on the plant parade.
(The only acceptable time to rain on a parade).
*Do not use ice cubes. I know some social media people will swear by it, especially when taking care of orchids, but this actually does more harm than good, as it can cause “shock” to the roots.*
There we have it: how to Go Green for your Green Friends. I hope you have enjoyed this edition of Gardening with Ms. Kate; it is always fun to write these articles. Happy Spring, and good luck!
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