Wondering how to get your first job, choose a bank account, understand different types of credit cards, or invest? Then check out some of these books to take control of your finances!
Money Out Loud: All the Financial Stuff No One Taught Us by Berna Arnat
This book for beginners covers the basics of banking, credit, savings, and investing while interspersing advice with relatable personal stories.
First Credit Cards and Credit Smarts by Ann Byers
Take control of your borrowing by understanding different types of credit accounts, including interest, fees, billing cycles, minimum payments, balance transfers, and cash advances. Learn about credit scores and how to improve yours.
How to Money: Your Ultimate Visual Guide to the Basics of Finance by Jen Chatzky, et al.
Geared towards teens and young adults, this highly-illustrated book is divided into five sections that cover topics such as creating a budget, earning a paycheck at your first job, avoiding student debt and navigating college loans, getting your first credit card, investing, and choosing among physical banks, online banks, and credit unions.
Investing for Teens by Michelle Hung
Master the stock market by learning how to set financial goals, how to differentiate between stocks and bonds, how to assess your risk tolerance and more. The book focuses on teens by discussing how to land a summer job and save for life after high school.
First Bank Account and First Investments Smarts by Jerri Freedman
Discover how to choose a bank, set up an account, use an ATM card, write a check, make a deposit, and more essentials of banking. You will also learn how to invest for retirement and to increase your wealth.
Learn how to make money as a teen, live frugally while still enjoying yourself, and achieve financial independence by taking control of your money. Sheeks covers basics such as building a credit score and learning about investments and interest, as well as topics like index funds, passive income, real estate, and more.
Money Matters for Teens: Advice on Spending and Saving, Managing Income, and Paying for College by Youth Communication
Real teens write essays on how they navigated finances. Topics include job hopping, credit cards, a false sense of security, paying for college, job searching, the experience of falling for a scam job, and more.