History of Charles County, MD: Where Eagles Soar & History Abounds!

Here in Charles County, we have history going back as far as the early seventeenth century. Captain John Smith explored the Potomac River way back in 1608 and stopped at what is now Port Tobacco (which was officially established in 1634, making it [...]

2021-08-12T13:27:40-04:00February 23rd, 2021|Adult, Teen|

Introducing our African-American History Online Resource!

Link: African-American History Online (Infobase FactsOnFile)  Ruby Bridges Hall Another way for all of us to continue the conversation with our family, friends and colleagues about race in America is to educate ourselves about the history [...]

2021-08-12T14:31:30-04:00September 28th, 2020|Adult, Teen|
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