Are you missing your crochet and knitting time at the library? I am!
So I am now working from home, but still wanted to show and tell what I have been working on, and would love it if you would share too.

My shawl has not been blocked yet.
Pattern Credit goes to Müllerei Handarbeitsallerlei found on The pattern name is Fliegender Drache written in US English terms and has a chart (Bonus).
* Note: Potomac Branch has a Bi-Weekly group Happy Hour Crochet and Knitting @ Potomac for ages 9 and up. PD Brown has a weekly group Jazzy Yarn for ages 16 and up, please stop by in person when the library reopens, and check out the virtual programs we are offering currently by visiting our program calendar.
Want to learn at home, you can start NOW. Guide books available online through the library on Overdrive/Libby.
Suggested books available on Overdrive through the library “The Complete Photo Guide to Crochet” by Margaret Hubert. Or “The Complete Photo Guide to Knitting” also by Margaret Hubert.
Parting with words of encouragement: If you are just starting this journey of crafting, be patient as this is not the easiest of skills to learn. It takes time to master a craft, and even then there is still much to learn.