Did you know that Charles County Public Library has BookFlix, a reading platform from Scholastics? With BookFlix, you have access to fiction and nonfiction books, games, internet resources, and so much more. BookFlix is different from other book apps in that some of the books are made into movies that read and perform the book for you. You also have the option to have a read-along with some of the books. There is no limit to how this platform helps children of all ages read and interact with books. Additionally, there are extra resources and games that allow you to continue exploring the subject that you have chosen.
To access BookFlix through Charles County Public Library’s website, go to ccplonline.org, hover your mouse over the “Read, Watch, Listen” tab, and then click on BookFlix under the “Watch” heading. Or, simply click on this link to take you directly to BookFlix. When BookFlix loads, you can watch an introductory video and learn all about the platform or skip it to begin using BookFlix.
Once you’re in, turn up the volume and start exploring!

Today, we’ll highlight the subject of Summer on BookFlix:
You can search the keyword “Summer” in the search bar or, click here.
Bookflix has two great books to choose from: Black Out by John Rocco (fiction) and How Do You Know It’s Summer? By Lisa M. Harrington (nonfiction). On the left side of the screen, you have some options. You can watch the story about the book Black Out or read the book by Lisa M. Harrington. You can also play the games called Puzzlers! or “Dive Deeper” with additional resources that are all about the topic: Summer!

In this seven-minute video, you can choose to read along with the narrator or toggle the Read Along button to turn the option off. But decide early because the video will start over if you change your mind.
Black Out by John Rocco is a story about a family who are much, much too busy. That is until the lights went out across the entire noisy, bustling city. When they were too hot to stay inside, the family decided to go to the roof, then to the streets. There they discovered what they had been missing in their busy, bustling lives. Find out what adventures the family discovered right in their own neighborhood in the city in this fun book by John Rocco.
To begin playing this nonfiction book about summer, click on the “Read Along” button at the top of the book page. Click on the arrows to advance the book to the next page or to go back to the previous page.
How Do You Know It’s Summer? By Lisa M. Herrington describes all things summer. What to wear, what the weather is like, what fun things we can do to stay cool and have fun, what the animals do in the summer, and, best of all, what we can do while we are out of school!

Now that you’ve read both of the books about summer, why not stay and play a few games? There is so much to discover when you use Bookflix. Why not give it a try today? Click here to access Bookflix.