Are you a fan of animals, nature, geography, or trivia? If so, then you will like the National Geographic Kids Database!
The National Geographic Kids Database can be found in the “Research & Learn” Menu on the CCPL website. From “Research & Learn,” select “Research & Databases.” From there, National Geographic Kids can be found in the A-Z database list under “N.” Click here for the list of databases beginning with the letter “N” or here to go to the database directly.
Here’s what the homepage for National Geographic Kids Database looks like:
National Geographic Kids Database includes every issue of National Geographic Kids Magazine, from 2009 through recent issues! To browse the magazine, select “Browse Magazines” from the menu towards the top right.
From the magazine cover gallery, select an issue you’d like to read. Or, maybe search for your favorite animal!
While reading, if there’s a word you don’t know, the A-Z dictionary lookup feature on the left menu will help.
The National Geographic Kids Database also has nearly 700 ebooks for instant browsing. Search for any animal, and see what National Geographic Kids has to offer!
Each book and magazine has a top center menu with four options: zoom in, zoom out, make the pages full screen, and an audio option to hear the page read-aloud.
Find a page that’s so cool you’d like a stable link to return to it later? No problem! In the top right menu, select “Get Link.”
There’s also a “Cite” feature next to “Get Link” that will provide a formatted citation, which could come in handy if you’re using this database for a school report.
Don’t know yet where to start? One option to explore the database is through the “Explore Topics” option.
Whichever way you choose to navigate, there is a lot to discover in the National Geographic Kids Database. So have fun, and start exploring today!
Bonus Note: The National Geographic Kids Database isn’t the only way to read National Geographic Kids Magazine with your library card. The Libby app has National Geographic Kids Magazine and National Geographic Little Kids Magazine, including the most recent issues. To read more about Libby, please visit the library’s website.