Do you and your little one love to sing together? Do you hear songs on story time that you would love to repeat with your family? Do you just love children’s songs and want to sing them all day long? If you answered yes to any of these questions, CCPL Songs 4 Tots Webpage is just the place for you. Our favorite librarian, Mr. Joe, has created a special download that you can access, print, and keep forever. Here’s how to find this great resource:
Go to ccplonline.org and scroll over to Events. From there, you will get a roll-down menu that lists events for Children, Teens, Adults, and All Programs. Under the Children section, you should see Songs 4 Tots. Select that and you are ready to sing your heart out!
You can click on the song books and utilize them right from your computer, you can download and save them someplace safe, or you can even print them out.
Are you looking for other places to find songs, song books, and sing-along adventures? CCPL has plenty of those, too. For curbside pickup, check out the library’s COSMOS site for all things music related. But, don’t stop there, CCPL also has a few databases for finding music and music related books. Check these out:
- Hoopla:
- Songbooks for kids
- Sing-Alongs
- Music
Don’t forget, CCPL has the Freegal Music database which allows you to download and keep songs forever. Check it out here.