Crochet & Knitting @ the Library
Would you like to learn how to Crochet or Knit? 3 out of the 4 branches in Charles County offer opportunities to learn how! Please note you may need to bring your own supplies. You will need: [...]
Would you like to learn how to Crochet or Knit? 3 out of the 4 branches in Charles County offer opportunities to learn how! Please note you may need to bring your own supplies. You will need: [...]
Do you love to Crochet or Knit? We do too! CCPL offers a bi-weekly program just for crochet and knitting that meets virtually. In this program, attendees are able to meet up and chat while sharing their current crochet and knitting projects. This [...]
Are you missing your crochet and knitting time at the library? I am! So I am now working from home, but still wanted to show and tell what I have been working on, and would love it if you would share too. [...]