Do you have a New Year’s resolution to get healthier and more fit? Are you looking for some fun family activities? Do you want to get familiar with CCPL’s digital collections that provide FREE workout videos (Kanopy), free music (Freegal), digital magazines (RB Digital), audio books (Hoopla) and e-books (Libby)? You can find music to take on your walk or an audio book to keep you company on a stroll. You can find workout routines in ebooks, magazines, and videos. You can find great healthy meal recipes in our ebooks, too!
Check out this calendar for the month of January with suggestions each day to guide you on your journey to better care for yourself and your family.
Do you need a way to turn dinner on Saturday night into a laugh riot? Put some large serving utensils into a bag or a pillow case, Have each member of your family pick one at random. Each person has to eat their dinner with the utensil they chose. It will definitely turn into a Silly Saturday!
How about starting a day with a Detox beverage? For example: hot water, a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar, a dash of cayenne pepper, the juice from a lemon and a teaspoon of honey, or agave. There are many recipes for these healthy drinks in CCPL’s digital collection.
Another activity on the calendar is a gratitude journal. Try to list 3 things that you are thankful for and then pick the one that means the most to you.
Substitution Sunday can be anything that you want to try and decrease from your diet. A piece of fruit instead of a candy bar. A glass of water or herbal tea instead of a soda. Some sweet potato fries instead of french fries.
There is no rule that says you can’t do more than one activity per day and some you may want to incorporate into your daily routine. Here’s to a healthier you in 2021!!