Aesop was an Ancient Greek story-teller known by the way he personified animals to teach lessons. The Lion and the Mouse, the Tortoise and the Hare, but today we will focus on the Fox and the Grapes.
The Fox and the Grapes is about a fox that is trying to get to the grapes that are high up on a vine. Rather than give up, he says that the grapes are undesirable and sour.
Today, we are going to put desirable grapes in a fruit salad!
What I used for this salad is:
Before we do anything, what do we do? We wash our hands and our fruit to get rid of germs.
Now, once we have all of our fruits and handwashing in order, it is time to slice and dice!
Wait a second…this is a pretty sharp knife… make sure you have a parent or guardian with you to cut the fruit! For the raspberries and blueberries, because they are so small, I just let them be. For the strawberries and kiwi, I cut them into quarters. I peeled the clementine and left the pieces as they were. As for the grapes you can either slice them in half or leave them whole. Mix them up and there you have it, a rainbow in a bowl!
If you want to add some more pizzazz, try honey lime dressing for your salad. (I promise it won’t make your grapes sour).

You just need:
I juiced the lime and added the zest to the mix for an added… well, zest! I added a tablespoon of honey, whisked with a fork and voila,honey lime dressing!
I hope you have learned something new today! Either from Aesop’s Fables (on Overdrive right now!) or by making this fun salad!