Don’t know how to sew? No problem! Here are some books that cover the basics of both sewing by hand and with a machine. You’ll be sewing your buttons back on and doing other simple mending tasks in no time! You can even advance to making your own clothing, or other projects like pillows or accessories.

First Time Sewing by Various Authors
This book covers the fundamentals of hand sewing as well as how to use a sewing machine. Learn through creating fun projects like aprons and pillows.
Hand Sewing by Various Authors
This basic guide covers construction stitches as well as embellishments.
How to Sew: Machine Sewing by Various Authors
Learn how to choose a sewing machine that is right for you. Then learn basic technique with easy-to-understand instructions.
Hand Sewing Magic by Lynn Krawczyk
Contains instructions for 35 stitches, explaining how to mend items to how to embellish them. It also covers sewing tools and what they do and basics like how to start and end a thread.
Learn Easy Sewing Skills by Lorine Mason
Mason offers clear instructions to get you started sewing. Includes 11 projects for you to practice your skills.
The Sewing Answer Book by Barbara Weiland Talbert
Talbert’s book is a quick reference guide for those who already have some basic sewing knowledge. Find answers on how to pick the perfect pattern, how to select the right needle size, and more.