Are you a fan of Star Wars? Want to celebrate Star Wars Day – May the Fourth Be With You on May 4th? Check out this cute, simple Baby Yoda Light Craft!!

Step 1: Paint the inside of the jar.

Step 2: Cut out all the template pieces (Template).
Step 3: Trace the ear stencil onto the green foam/felt.

Step 4: Trace the robe stencil onto the brown foam/felt and cut it out.

Step 5: Put a line of glue around the jar and wrap the robe around it.

Step 6: Trace the circle for the eyes on the black foam and cut them out.

Step 7: Glue the eyes on to the jar and add whatever you like as details. I added pink cheeks.
(When gluing the foam the hot glue works best)

Step 8: Trace and cut out the pink inner ear, then glue the pink insides onto the ears.

Step 9: Glue the ears onto the jar. First I bent the end back and glued that on. I then added a little more glue on the back to create a zig zag. Hot glue works best.

Step 10: Add the light!!!

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