Children’s Blog Posts

Bunny Apple Slices

July 15th, 2021|Tags: , , , , |

In Japan, to make food more appealing to children, foods are shaped into cute creatures like Pokemon or animals. The usagi ringo, or rabbit apple, is an apple slice cut to look like [...]

What’s Bugging You?

July 6th, 2021|Tags: , , |

Summertime brings warmth and outdoor fun, but also lots of bugs.  We've got the good bugs and we've got the bad bugs.   Here are a few of each with a little information [...]

Smooth Playdough

June 29th, 2021|Tags: , , |

Let’s make playdough with these two star ingredients: cornstarch and hair conditioner. Check out our COSMOS page for this book with step-by-step experiments you can try at home. Not only will this dough [...]