Tween Comic Club is a place for comic lovers ages 9-14 to discuss what they are reading each month. Here is the latest list of the books we’ve been talking about and that our tween readers recommend! Follow the links to check out a copy for yourself. And don’t forget to join a Tween Comic Club meeting if you would like to learn how you can submit your own recommendations to our feature! We typically meet on the third Tuesday of each month. Find our next meeting on the events calendar.
Class Act by Jerry Craft
The companion book to Jerry Craft’s Newbery Award and Coretta Scott King Award-winning comic New Kid focuses on Jordan’s friend Drew as he tries to navigate life at the prestigious Riverdale Academy Day School. But Drew can’t help but notice that life seems a lot easier for his peers, and for his friend Liam. Can Drew overcome his feelings about Liam’s privileged lifestyle and maintain their friendship?
Ms. Faith says: “I’m going to repeat what I said about his first book in this series, New Kid:
‘This book is a great addition to your reading list, please read it. No matter how old you are, read this book. It is very well written (and beautifully illustrated), dives into uncomfortable subjects in a very informative way, and can absolutely be used as a teaching guide for ALL AGES! Read this book!’And, I’m going to add that this book had a lot of humor added to it that I didn’t notice in New Kid (I’ll have to go back and read that one to see if I missed it the first time). There are hidden pictures, spoofs on other books, and jokes strewn about that really add to the excellence of this book. Another great book by Jerry Craft. Take the time to read (and really listen) to both, please!”
DC Superhero Girls: Spaced Out by Shea Fontana
Jessica Cruz is feeling a lot of pressure as both the new kid at Superhero High and Earth’s new Green Lantern. So when she has to report to Oa to be initiated as a Green Lantern, she takes along her friends Supergirl, Star Sapphire, and Big Barda. There the heroes learn that evil Krytonians are taking over Oa–and the villains think Supergirl might be the key to their success.
Skylan B. says: “I loved this book! The illustrations were very animated and alive! The book is about how Jessica Cruz, the new Green Lantern, is having trouble fitting in at Super Hero High. But then she’s selected for a mission to save planet Oa, the planet of Green Lanterns. On the way, she’ll strengthen her powers and discover her true self. I liked Jessica because she’s sort of coming-of-age. This book is kind of like the other DC Superhero Girls books.”
Remarkably Ruby by Terri Libenson
Ruby and Mia used to be best friends–but now Mia is running for student council, and she sees her friendship with Ruby as a liability. Lost and alone, Ruby decides to try something new, and joins the poetry club. Expressing herself through poetry and making new friends inspires Ruby to try to repair her relationship with Mia. But does Mia even want to fix things?
Ms. Krysta says: “Book 6 in the Emmie & Friends series puts the spotlight on Ruby–formerly known as Baked Bean Girl. I love that this book explores a side character from the previous books and makes her into more than a running joke. (She’s usually in the background rushing for the toilets after eating a fiber-rich snack). In this installment, we learn not only that Ruby has IBS (explaining why her stomach gets upset a lot), but also that she has been experiencing some friendship troubles that have heightened her nervousness (which makes her stomach worse). Ruby has to step outside of her comfort zone to make new friendships and maybe repair old ones. Another sympathetic and realistic look at the middle school experience from Terri Libenson.”
Garlic and the Vampire by Bree Paulsen
Garlic and her sentient vegetable friends lead a quiet life tending to the garden and selling produce at the local market–until a vampire moves in next door. All of Garlic’s friends want her to confront him, believing that garlic and vampires don’t mix. But Garlic is afraid! Will she find the courage to protect her home?
Mr. Jude says: “I thought the book was very humorous. The character Garlic was very relatable being anxious and feeling pressured going on an adventure. The art was a perfect fit to the style and tone of the story.”
The Aquanaut by Dan Santat
Ever since her dad disappeared at sea, Sophia has been wandering the marine theme park he opened with her uncle. Then one day an “aquanaut” breaks into the park’s lab–and inside the suit are four sea creatures! Soon, Sophie and the aquanaut are working together to free the park’s marine life.
Ms. Faith says: “The Aquanaut is a beautifully illustrated but kind of heartbreaking story about family and what it really means to take care of each other. The characters were likable, even adorable, and the plot was fun and fast-paced. The back-matter is a must read. Overall, I highly recommend picking up this book and sharing it with the people you call family.”