Tween Comic Club is a place for comic lovers ages 9-14 to discuss what they are reading each month. Here is the latest list of the books we’ve been talking about and that our tween readers recommend! Follow the links to check out a copy for yourself. And don’t forget to join a Tween Comic Club meeting if you would like to learn how you can submit your own recommendations to our feature! We typically meet on the third Tuesday of each month. Find our next meeting on the events calendar.
Sorceline by Syliva Douyé & Paola Antista
On the island of Vorn, a group of students study cryptozoology and compete to become Professor Archibald Balzar’s next apprentice. Sorceline has always been able to sense magical creatures, and she hopes that her abilities will make her stand out. But then students start disappearing, and Sorceline must discover why before it is too late.
Ms. Krysta says: “Sorceline enchants with its magical world and unexpected creatures. Readers who love fantasy will be drawn into the mystery and the adventure. And perhaps wish that they could visit Vorm for themselves! Recommended for fans of magical boarding schools.”
Wonder Woman: Forgotten Legends by Kurt Bursiek, et a
This retro-inspired collection draws inspiration from the Silver Age! Different storylines include the return of Atomia, a trip to the 63rd century to save Amazonia, and the story of how the Amazons return to the way of Aphrodite.
Skylan B. says: “This book is really cool! I recommend it to superhero fans!”
Kodi by Jared Cullum
An accident in Alaska leads Katya to meet a kodiak bear, with whom she strikes up an unlikely friendship. But then she must return home to Seattle, leading Kodi to make a journey to reunite with his friend.
Ms. Faith says: “Kodi is such a sweet story of three outsiders who find a purpose and a friendship with each other. The illustrations are soft and beautiful watercolor and the story is sweet, purposeful, and touching. I must read for anyone with fifteen minutes to spare in their day.”
I Survived the Nazi Invasion, 1944 by Lauren Tarshis
Max and Zena’s father was taken away by the Nazis and now the two struggle to survive in a Jewish ghetto. Soon, they decide to escape into the nearby forest. But the Nazis are invading and bombs are falling everywhere. Will the two be able to survive?.
Ms. Faith says: “You can’t go wrong with the I Survived series, whether you’re reading the novels or the graphic novels. They are packed with historical information that is easy to read and easy to learn. You do not have to read these in order, as there is a different historical event in every book. But, I do recommend reading the back matter because it is full of facts about the fictional story that was just read.”
The Well by Jake Wyatt
Li-Zhen, called Lizzy, cares for her grandfather in the day and stays away from the monsters that roam the fog at night. But then she steals some coins from a wishing well to pay a debt–and now she is cursed to fulfill the wishes of the coins or be drowned in the well.
Mr. Jude says: “The illustrations are some of the best art I’ve ever seen. Each image is beautiful and ominous. The story is interesting and fascinating. A young witch steals wishing well coins, but becomes cursed to fulfill the wishes of the coins.”